
We believe that every one of us deserves a space like this: A place to vent, celebrate, share ideas, and work through obstacles collectively, alongside other like-minded women who get it. We know that everyone has incredible inner resources to offer to others, as well. In our groups, we see each other’s monumental efforts, and we show up for each other through the milestones, the ups and downs, and everything in between. Because of the insights and authenticity that our group members bring to the table, real life friendships form and carry on long after our time together. Find your people here with us. We can’t wait to meet you.

Our groups are open format, focused on SOCIAL support, sharing strategies, and offering information & frameworks to help make sense of these first years of motherhood.

Mother Tree Wellness is a coaching practice, and our groups are not therapy.


our groups are designed with three pillars in mind:



When we have language to name what we’re experiencing and the frameworks to make sense of it, everything changes - we become empowered, and we know it’s not just us.


When we gain new insights and perspectives, we create space. Space for movement and possibilities, to learn about what’s working for others, and to try out something new.


Women know how to show up for each other. When you become a member of one of our groups, you’ll get connected with other moms who get it. The insight that our members offer to each other is remarkable, and incredible strength can be drawn from knowing that your people have your back.


Information + action + Connection.

These pillars are the foundation for every group we create. Our members feel better informed about what they’re experiencing, better prepared for the daily ups and downs of motherhood, and better equipped with strategies and a community of fierce women navigating the same things alongside them.

We hear it all the time during groups: “I had no idea there was a word for this thing I’ve been going through!”. We’re here to name those common motherhood experiences, take action, and show up for each other through it all. We are not wired to navigate this season alone — let’s do this together!